Our very first kit is a Rudolph Kit. Based around the foundations of electrical engineering, this kit focuses on circuits, voltage, and LEDS.
Consisting of 1 button, 3 alligator clips, 1 3D printed Rudolph set, 1 coin cell, 2 AA batteries, 1 battery holder, and 1 3mm red LED, the kit teaches about the foundations of circuits. To light up the LED, a circuit must be constructed. It begins with the batteries, each with 1.5V (voltage). Since there are two batteries, the total voltage to power the LED throughout the circuit is 3V. Two alligator clips are attached to each side of the battery clip, a positive side (the red wire) and a negative side (the black wire). A button, attached to the negative side, is then put into the circuit using another alligator clip. Then, the negative side of the circuit is attached to the shorter leg of the LED and the positive side of the circuit is attached to the longer leg of the LED. This is extremely important as it teaches about how electricity only moves in one direction throughout the entire circuit. Now, when the button is pushed, the circuit becomes closed. This means electricity flows throughout without any disruptions. However, when the button is not pressed, the flow is disrupted. This creates an open circuit. In simple terms, the button serves as a gate (opening and closing the circuit based on whether it's pressed or not).
What’s Inside?
1 button
3 alligator clips
1 3D printed Rudolph set
1 coin cell
2 AA batteries
1 battery holder
1 3mm red LED